Students In Renewable Energy (SIRE) is a University of Melbourne affiliated student club that provides avenues and extracurricular activities for students to learn and develop skills for the renewable energy transition while still at university. SiRE has three student-led project teams – wind, solar and offshore wind – in which students can develop hands-on experience in these areas. In addition, it hosts numerous renewable energy-focused events aimed at increasing learning, developing practical skills, and increasing students’ exposure to the renewable energy industry while ensuring an inclusive and empowering social atmosphere. This club aims to address the lack of extracurricular learning opportunities for students interested in renewable energy careers. Given the skills shortage in the energy transition, we identified a need for student projects and events related to renewable energy.  

Current Projects

Wind Turbine Demonstrator

Small scale horizontal axis wind turbine made first from PVC pipes.

Battery Cell

A battery and a 20W solar panel used to make a portable phone charger.

Offshore Wind

Outreach program teaching children the workings of offshore wind turbines using demonstators

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